It's Time to Start Living Your Values

Can I really find fulfillment?

Welcome to the first issue of Living Your Values! It's been a long time coming, and we're excited to finally bring a thoughtful and meaningful newsletter to your inbox each week.

Let's hit one thing right off the bat: Do you really need another newsletter? Debatable. Is this one going to be different? Oh heck yes.

It's Time to Start Living Your Values

Living Your Values, complement to the two-season running Live Your Values podcast, will be focused on helping you take the next step towards a fulfilling life. If you're already a dedicated LYV fan, then you already know the secret (SPOILER: try Living Your Values... well, yeah, you knew that because you opened this 😉).

But living your values, in practice, is actually a lot harder than it sounds. Sure, it may seem straightforward on the surface:

How to Live Your Values (maybe):

  1. List out 3-5 core values

  2. Apply them throughout the day

  3. Repeat

Buuuuuuutttttt (I said butt), what happens when you're faced with the unexpected shake-up? 

  • A coworker just tattled on you at work?

  • You're riding the high of a promotion and you just want to #humblebrag?

  • You're faced with an impossible decision of which of your two good friends' weddings to attend that somehow got planned on the same date?

  • You suffer a traumatic job loss, or suddenly lose an important person in your life?

How easy is it then to just "stay humble", "be kind", or just "do the right thing"?

Now I know you may be thinking: "These are extreme circumstances," or "I know it would be tough, but I could handle it."

Possibly 🤔

But if you're reading this, you're likely already comfortable (to some extent) with the idea that most of life is out of your control – no matter how many lists you make, despite the number of weeks in advance you make a dinner reservation, or whether you swore you planned on picking your kids up on time...

All of this to say, there is a path towards a more fulfilling life. It's not an easy one. It'll rattle you at times. But having a strong foundation on which to fall back is what will keep you moving on the right path.

So What Can I Expect in This Here Thing?

One of the things I, personally, am most excited about here at LYV is creating both an audience and a community (yes, those are different) that can help us build connection and resources that benefit us on our path towards fulfillment. I've always been a strong believer in the idea that there are power in numbers, especially when those numbers are really smart, driven people who want to better themselves and those around them.

Each week, you can expect a mix of the following in your inbox, on the web, or inside whatever new-fangled device you've got:

  • Insights, advice, tips, and encouragement on finding fulfillment

  • Resources and opportunities to help you define, align, and design a values-based life

  • Polls/questions to gather your feedback and help inform our newsletter content

  • Highlights from recent podcast episodes, including interviews and Bagel Bites

And that's not all!

- Every TV salesperson, ever

Like your own life, we know that LYV's priorities and goals are constantly evolving, and we plan to balance driving meaningful content along with staying in sync with our readers' needs and desires.

So basically, what we're saying is...

Let's hear it

Shout it a little louder

Let's Hear From You

Speaking of which, I'd love to hear from you, like right now. Over the last couple of months, I've been doing some intentional reframing of the 'positive' when reflecting or sharing updates with groups and friends. So, in that vein:

What's one thing that is bringing you fulfillment so far in 2023? Hit reply and let us know!

A Bite of Wisdom

Feeling the burnout of the new year already? It may be time to take a break.

Not a bathroom break. Not a trip to the kitchen to refill your coffee. 

We mean full stop. Ditch what you're doing. Give it a rest. Let your diffuse thinking get to work by taking a walk, grabbing a shower, playing a game… whatever you need to do to get out of the trenches.

Your mind (and body) will thank you.

Check out this Bagel Bite for more:

Or catch the audio version here (also available wherever you listen to podcasts):

Something Someone Said Once

It’s not going to be great at the start, but it has to start to be great.

- Unknown

And that wraps up the inaugural issue of Living Your Values! I'm BEYOND grateful for your early support. Just imagine, you can one day say: "I read the first one!" 😉

🥯 Bagel 🥯