I feel connected when I…

Day 2 of 7

Today, I attended a workshop held by my Foster Cohort called Harnessing the Fire Inside. 🔥 

We explored what lights our fire, how we need to protect our flame, and how this will inform our writing over the coming days/weeks.

In the first bucket, one of the prompts asked:

When do you feel most like yourself?

After a momentary pause, I quickly felt the answer bubble up to the surface.

I feel like myself when I feel connected. Connected to myself and others.

I feel connected…

… when I’m rockin out to some cold hard tunes…

… when I’m hanging out and thinking by myself…

… when I’m writing and publishing…

… when I get a vulnerable response to something I’ve shared…

… when I’m in the car or on a road trip…

… when I’m in a deep conversation or deep in thought…

… when I bring people together…

… when I can express myself fully and let me guard down…

… when I’m listening and truly empathizing with someone else’s struggles…

I know that for me, the expression of writing is an exercise to help me feel more connected. Nothing more, nothing less.

Writing allows me to connect with myself, by reflecting, digging deep, answering prompts, agitating thoughts and emotions, and letting it pour out.

It also allows me to connect with others because I know that what I express is felt—if not lived—by the person reading it.

And a little affirmation never hurts… 😉 

Now it’s your turn:

When do you feel most like yourself?

’Til tomorrow…
